Saturday, January 28, 2012

LGO Week 1 - Basics

Ok, I'm a little behind on blogging about this (see my last post) but as well as doing the Simplify Your Life 52 Week Challenge I am following Becci's Let's Get Organised 2012 Missions at Beccis Domestic Bliss. I like to be organised but I'm not very good at actually getting around to doing the work that's required to get me there. So before 2012 began I decided I'd like to look at a couple of programs being run on line to help keep me on track. These are the two I've decided on. Why two? Because I couldn't decide between them! I have a really hard time with decision making! And I've been managing both quite easily so I've got no plans on giving either up.

So, in week 1 Becci challenged us to:
  • Shine our sink
  • Do a load a day of washing
  • Pack away the Christmas Tree.
Now I found this an easy challenge. I too have been following Flylady for a couple of years now and while lots of her concepts really work well for me, not all of it does so I pick and choose. But shining the sink and a load of washing a day really makes a BIG difference to me.
Shine the Sink

I have 3 kids aged 5 and under. My day starts early and I hit the ground running. Waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes just makes for a bad day for me. If I start the day with a clean slate then somehow it all seems to run that much smoother. I put our dishwasher on every night before I go to bed and then I put it away each morning while I wait for the coffee machine to heat up - I won't tell you that I race the coffee machine to see if I can put it all away before the coffee machine is ready.... Don't judge!

Load a Day of Washing

With a family of 5 the washing pile is never ending. I actually do at least 2 loads of washing per day. Between a 3 year old that is (not so successfully) toilet training, a 17 month old who wears most of her food, and having a pool that is being used a lot at the moment we make a lot of washing very quickly. I'm sure this phase won't last forever but at the moment washing every day is essential to my survival.

I try to put a load on each night so it's ready to hang out first thing in the morning. Then I bring it in by lunchtime and it's put away during the afternoon. I try to iron every day too. I know not everyone irons but I do and if I keep on top of it it's maybe 15 minutes or so compared to if I let it pile up where it can become hours. I'm not so good at this bit but I do

Pack away the Christmas Tree

I was already a step ahead here. The christmas tree sitting in the  corner of our family was starting to gnaw a hole in my brain and I couldn't stand it any longer. I packed it away on the first weekend in January. We were also heading away for a family holiday and I wanted it packed up before we left.

So the first week was easy peasy for us! Thanks Becci! I'm looking forward to joining you this year!


  1. That's great Belinda - one question - when you do the wash overnight are the clothes not smelly from sitting in the machine for hours afterwards 9or do you have a timer function). I have often thought about doing this so it is ready to go on the line in the morning but am worried about it sitting damp in the machine.

    Deb @ home life simplified

  2. I do use a timer sometimes but most of the time I don't. My laundry is near the kids rooms so it can wake them up in the morning if I set it to start up too early so I tend to just put it on at night. I haven't had any problem with smell. I do hang them outside to dry though so maybe the air drying gets any smell out??

  3. oh wow Belinda we do things so similar! im a flybaby too and I put the laundry on the night before a load a day :) are you on the australian forums on flylady? wow your doing two challenges and flylady! Busy busy I barley keep up with flylady lol
