Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm back!

It's been a while but I'm back. Since my last post when I thought I'd had a rough time.... it got a whole lot worse. 3 weeks after my grandfather passed away I lost my father as well. To say it shook my world is an understatement but I have battled my demons and come out the other side and am now ready to re-tackle my old issues of the simplification of my life.

I completely dropped my following of the Simplify your life Challenge and Gretchen Reubin's Happiness Project. I am in two minds as to whether to pick these up again or follow something completely different. But for now I thought I would start with something small and work my way through Simple Living by Lorilee Lippincott. Lorilee of Loving Simple Living has written a 30 step course that guides the reader through a process of decluttering and simplifying to create a simpler and more fulfilling life. I thought this would be a good way to ease me back into my journey and redefine where I want to go.

My family and I went on a holiday recently and while we were away we rented a simple 2 bedroom 1 bathroom unit. I loved the simplicity of this. My family being close together, not much space to clean, not a lot of "stuff" to work around. We had the basics and it was great! I know being on holidays isn't exactly like the normal day-to-day that life is but it made me wonder. Do I really need to have the big house with all the trimmings? What would it be like to live simpler on a more permanent basis?

Lorilee and her family did this. She moved with her husband and 2 children from a large house to a 2 bedroom apartment, then into a 1 bedroom apartment and most recently with only a few bags to China. As I read through her blog I was inspired and after getting her book decided that I really should give it a go. I somehow think that following a similar path is going to be completely unattainable for me (my husband would never agree to moving to a smaller house let alone an apartment!) but I can simplify my life.

So Task 1...


I want to live in a space which has only what I need, use or love.
I want to be able to breathe in my space and not feel suffocated with "stuff"
I want to be free of the guilt associated with half done projects or a to do list a mile long.
I want clean lines and space.

I would love to live in a small space that doesn't overwhelm me. I currently feel overwhelmed when it comes to cleaning my home mostly because of the size of the home but next in line is the thought of how much stuff I need to work around in order to do it.

I would love to not only achieve these things but be able to easily maintain it.

It's a start.

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