Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm in!

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Deb over at HomeLifeSimplified is running a 52 weeks to Simplify Your Life Challenge and it seems like it is right up my alley!

As I've explained in previous posts I feel a bit like my life is a bit out of control at the moment. I've started out doing both "The Happiness Project" and Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation and while they have helped I'm still floundering. Anxiety is a big problem for me and I think simplifying will be a big help. Just the idea of where to start overwhelms me!

So Week 1's Challenge is to - Create a list of everything that went “right” in 2011 

Here goes....

  • I didn't think I would ever say this but 2011 taught me how good exercise and eating right is for me. I started the Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation in September and I felt so much better for it. I have never been an exerciser, I don't enjoy it and because I have been blessed with a good metabolism I never really saw the need. However, when I realised that I was setting a bad example to my kids I decided it was time to change my ways. 

  • My marriage. My hubby and had a big period of adjustment in 2010 after moving states then having our third baby. But we came out on top in 2011. He really is an amazing man. Love him!

  • My kids. Parenting is the most stressful thing I have ever done in my life but they really do make it worthwhile. My 5 year old went to 4 yo kindy this year and thrived on it! He really had a ball and was blessed with a wonderful teacher. We got my 3 year old's hearing sorted out after a good 6 months of ear infections due to glue ear. My 1 year old has been a delight. While she rules the family with her "evil glare" and squeals if she doesn't get her own way she is blossoming into the most precious little princess that I could have ever have wished for! 

  •  I enjoyed spending time on my craft - I sew, quilt, scrapbook, make cards.... the list goes on. I threw myself into a lot of this last year but burnt myself out - I need to get a better balance of this in 2012.

  • I have good friends and family members who are always willing to lend an ear.

  • I began to organize my life in 2011. It's a strange thought but since moving out of home over 10 years ago I've never really thought of how I want my home and life to be organized. I've just carried on with what I was taught at home - despite the fact that this didn't actually always work for me and my family. In 2011 I made the decision to make my home MINE!!!

  • We had 2 holidays in 2011. We went to Bali in January then to Wave Rock, Hyden at Easter. Both were wonderful holidays shared with our family.

  • I returned to work. This has been a huge challenge for me after having 3 years off while I stayed home with my babies. So much changed in the time I was away and I have really struggled to find my feet. It really unsettled me and caused huge amounts of anxiety but it did make me realise the importance of balance in my life. After starting work I began the process of decluttering and simplifying my life to try and reduce some of the anxiety while still being able to juggle working part time and spending quality time with my kids on my days off.

Thanks for organizing this Challenge Deb! I'm excited to get the next challenge in a weeks time! Who else is in????


  1. Sounds like we have a lot in common! I am also working on the Happiness Project, this and also the Daily Challenge. Sounds like you'll have an amazing 2012!

  2. You sound like you have a life fileld with variety and many creative outlets - that is awesome. Good on you for managing your return to work -= I am sure it will get even better this year. One thing you mentioned that is very much in tune with the challenge was discovering your were carrying on the things you learned at home even though they did not work for you now - this is a big thing many will grapple with as we go through the challenge - whether it is how you organise your life or the decisions you make, much of it is on autopilot with influence from our parents and upbringing. You are ahead of the game connecting with that and letting it go to find what works for you ("find your simple" is my motto on my site!)

    Deb @ home life simplified

  3. Wow--I can totally identify with where you're out--feeling overwhelmed, anxious. Great to start out shifting focus to what went well this year.

  4. I think a lot of people, me included, are slowly learning that we must exercise and show a good example to our kids. Congrats on being able to be a great role model to your kids. You seem like you have a very full life, filled with things you love. Good luck with the challenge.
