Friday, November 11, 2011

I have a secret....

I have a secret, the bedroom right at the very back of my house is a shambles! No one would know it because the door is ALWAYS closed. I'm about to take a deep breath and share it with you. We're opening the door...

And stepping inside...

Step carefully over all the junk and look back toward the door...

This room is supposed to be my craft room and our home office. Doesn't exactly scream creativity or organisation does it? Come to think of it, my creativness has taken a turn for the worst lately and I've got no doubt that it is because of the state of this room.

There is so much stuff here! Every time I need to put something in this room I end up dumping it because either I don't have anywhere to put it or I can't get to the place where it is supposed to go. It's also become the dumping ground for anything that doesn't have a home! Then on the other hand, if I want to work on a craft project, the thought of having to deal with this in order to find anything puts me off.

TIme to take a stand!

My husband and I have been talking about converting this room into a shared bedroom for our two boys (it is the biggest bedroom in the house other than the master bedroom). We will then separate out my craft from our home office and make them separate rooms.

The first step I had to take was to begin to at least sort out what was in this room. It didn't take me long - two days. I threw out LOTS of paperwork from the bookshelves, removed the trestle table from the room, put all my fabric into baskets, put away anything that had a home. Then it started to look more like this.

Maybe you need a side by side to really see the difference:

Before                                                                  After

And the wardrobe

Before                                  and                                After

Better but not great.

Then hubby took some annual leave to get some of the projects done around the house. So we emptied the bookcases entirely (onto the floor of our living room).

Moved the bookcases and filing cabinets out of the room. And moved the boys in!

Watch this space! I'm pretty thrilled with how it's turning out! And so are they!