Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Underneath to Project 333

I'm onto the second task of Lorilee Lippincott's book Simple Living. This involves reviewing your wardrobe (starting with your underwear) and maybe giving Courtney's Project 333 a go.

Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life


I had already gone through my underwear drawer not long ago and put anything excess to what I need for a week in a box in my wardrobe. Now as items wear out, instead of going shopping, I "shop" from the box. I used the opportunity though, to go through my children's drawers and cull the excess from them as well

Project 333

As for the Project 333 idea, this is something that really intrigued me. I have never been particularly interested in clothes and accessorising is not something I do a lot of. However I have come to realise that one of the reasons that I have a lot of clothes that I don't wear is because I have been shopping trying to achieve a "look" but not really achieving it as I didn't really have my "look" defined. One of the things that is missing from my wardrobe is accessories.

Starting Out

As part of the process of working out my "look" I created a capsule wardrobe folder in Pinterest to get an idea of the way I would like to dress. I then worked my wardrobe down to the suggested 33 items. I've hit a couple of stumbling blocks though.

1. The season suddenly changed almost immediately after I picked out my 33 items so I had to pull out a few more warm items from storage!
2. I couldn't cull down on the shoes - I'm not a big shoe person but I still had more pairs of shoes than I could decide between and I wear them all - so I didn't include them in the 33..... I'm working on it.
3. I noticed some pretty big gaps in my wardrobe.

I've worked out that the reason I don't feel like I was able to dress particularly well is that I always seem to go for the same type of thing. I am a stay at home Mum but I do work outside of the home as well. I tend to wear the same clothes to work as I do if I am going out. That is not my problem. The problem is that the clothes that I buy for my "Mum" stuff is always either shorts and t-shirts or jeans and t-shirts with a long cardigan over the top in cooler weather. Then to top it off I wear my sneakers most days. No accessories. No bling. Just plain practical.

I guess you might say, "Well, what's the problem? Practical is good with kids right?" Right! But when I feel dowdy then that has to affect my mood and my mood is going to affect how I am with my kids and that is definitely not ok!!!

So I've been shopping. I know that this was not the point of the exercise.... but my choices were conscious and considered carefully based on my new understanding of what I want to achieve and not based on just liking an item without regard for what I already have in my wardrobe! The items are on lay-by and I'm hoping that they might help to glam up my wardrobe if only a little bit. Step by step...


The items that I have boxed up from my wardrobe will stay there for a while. If I really need to pull another item out I will. This is not a process of suffering but awareness. If I wear an item out I will try to replace it from the items in storage first. Most of my clothes are from Target. I don't really plan on changing that - they are fashionable, good enough quality for what I want and affordable. If I do need to buy new clothes then I will probably end up back here.

I have to say I really really enjoyed this process. For me it is not so much about the number of 33 as an absolute but showing me that less can definitely be more.

I will try and post pics of what I ended up with soon. Watch this space... In the meantime, this is what I'm aspiring to:
26 Fall Fashions - I want this wardrobe

Fashion Worship | Women apparel from fashion designers and fashion design schools | Page 2

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